Easy System Cleaner Review
Hey everyone. I thought I'd go ahead and quickly do a review :). I just came across this program called Easy System Cleaner. Since I seem to love checking out system utility and system cleaner programs, I thought I would go ahead and check out Easy System Cleaner and give my thoughts on it. So consider this my Easy System Cleaner review. :)
Using software to clean your internet tracks has become more and more popular. There are many different reasons to clear your internet tracks. Perhaps you are worried about your privacy. Or perhaps you just want to free up some disk space. Either reason is important. With that, there has been software released that helps you clear up your internet tracks. Easy System Cleaner is one such software program. So how does it do?
I went ahead and downloaded and installed Easy System Cleaner. It's a quick and easy download and installation. So with that, let's get right to Easy System Cleaner.
I went ahead and ran Easy System Cleaner. Upon loading, Easy System Cleaner began scanning my system for usage tracks to remove. The scan didn't take very long, and so... here came the results.
And the results? Around 1,500 items were found to be removed. I was pretty surprised actually. I usually delete my temporary internet files daily. It definitely looks like I have been missing some areas on my computer when it comes to deleting my usage tracks and clearing up space.
I also noticed that Easy System Cleaner also found some temporary files. These are different then Temporary Internet Files. Temporary files are files that may not be usage tracks, but still are left over from old programs and just sit there taking up hard drive space. I was pleasantly surprised that Easy System Cleaner found some of these.
One more note... Easy System Cleaner also comes with an uninstaller. So you can use it to uninstall programs you have on your computer. I guess it goes with the whole freeing up disk space idea that Easy System Cleaner was built around. Either way, it's a nice additional feature.
Well... in wrapping this up, I recommend my readers check out Easy System Cleaner. It may not have all of the features that a full system optimization program would have, but for clearing your internet tracks or freeing up hard drive space, Easy System Cleaner is a must.
Good luck!
Download Link:
Official Website of Easy System Cleaner
Using software to clean your internet tracks has become more and more popular. There are many different reasons to clear your internet tracks. Perhaps you are worried about your privacy. Or perhaps you just want to free up some disk space. Either reason is important. With that, there has been software released that helps you clear up your internet tracks. Easy System Cleaner is one such software program. So how does it do?
I went ahead and downloaded and installed Easy System Cleaner. It's a quick and easy download and installation. So with that, let's get right to Easy System Cleaner.
I went ahead and ran Easy System Cleaner. Upon loading, Easy System Cleaner began scanning my system for usage tracks to remove. The scan didn't take very long, and so... here came the results.
And the results? Around 1,500 items were found to be removed. I was pretty surprised actually. I usually delete my temporary internet files daily. It definitely looks like I have been missing some areas on my computer when it comes to deleting my usage tracks and clearing up space.
I also noticed that Easy System Cleaner also found some temporary files. These are different then Temporary Internet Files. Temporary files are files that may not be usage tracks, but still are left over from old programs and just sit there taking up hard drive space. I was pleasantly surprised that Easy System Cleaner found some of these.
One more note... Easy System Cleaner also comes with an uninstaller. So you can use it to uninstall programs you have on your computer. I guess it goes with the whole freeing up disk space idea that Easy System Cleaner was built around. Either way, it's a nice additional feature.
Well... in wrapping this up, I recommend my readers check out Easy System Cleaner. It may not have all of the features that a full system optimization program would have, but for clearing your internet tracks or freeing up hard drive space, Easy System Cleaner is a must.
Good luck!
Download Link:
Official Website of Easy System Cleaner