Simple PHP Review
Well... here is something I've never done before. I'm going to talk a bit about this e-book I came across. Usually when it comes to reviews, I stick to reviewing software. And as most of my readers know, I usually review system optimization programs. But I came across this interesting e-book called Simple PHP. And so I thought I would do a Simple PHP Review.
First off... if you have no idea what PHP is... then you probably aren't going to be interested in this review. So you may as well move onto reading something else ;). But those that are interested in learning PHP or work with PHP will definitely be interested in this.
Anyway... like I said, I'm going to talk a bit about Simple PHP. I spent some time and took a look at Simple PHP and I must say I'm pretty impressed by this.
In case you haven't figured it out, Simple PHP is an e-book designed to teach you PHP. Obviously knowing PHP can be a major skill to have. Perhaps you use this knowledge to get a job working with it for some company. Or perhaps you want to just understand better how to install PHP scripts on your website. Either way... if you are interested in learning PHP, I recommend taking a serious look at this e-book.
Although it's an e-book, I hate to call it that. Because I noticed there is so much more then just a simple book. There are also 5 hours of training videos, there are games, quizzes, etc. It really seems to be a nice package and a great way of learning PHP. I remember when I first tried to learn Visual Basic from this huge book I got from the library. It was so dry and boring. I really wish it had training videos and quizzes like this e-book for learning PHP.
But yeah... I guess now I'm kinda rambling :). Anyway... for my readers who are interested in learning PHP (and I know there probably might not be many), consider checking out Simple PHP. I highly recommend it.
Good luck!
Download Link:
Official Website of Simple PHP
First off... if you have no idea what PHP is... then you probably aren't going to be interested in this review. So you may as well move onto reading something else ;). But those that are interested in learning PHP or work with PHP will definitely be interested in this.
Anyway... like I said, I'm going to talk a bit about Simple PHP. I spent some time and took a look at Simple PHP and I must say I'm pretty impressed by this.
In case you haven't figured it out, Simple PHP is an e-book designed to teach you PHP. Obviously knowing PHP can be a major skill to have. Perhaps you use this knowledge to get a job working with it for some company. Or perhaps you want to just understand better how to install PHP scripts on your website. Either way... if you are interested in learning PHP, I recommend taking a serious look at this e-book.
Although it's an e-book, I hate to call it that. Because I noticed there is so much more then just a simple book. There are also 5 hours of training videos, there are games, quizzes, etc. It really seems to be a nice package and a great way of learning PHP. I remember when I first tried to learn Visual Basic from this huge book I got from the library. It was so dry and boring. I really wish it had training videos and quizzes like this e-book for learning PHP.
But yeah... I guess now I'm kinda rambling :). Anyway... for my readers who are interested in learning PHP (and I know there probably might not be many), consider checking out Simple PHP. I highly recommend it.
Good luck!
Download Link:
Official Website of Simple PHP